Thursday, May 15, 2008

it's oh so quiet...

Actually, it's anything from quiet. My head is buzzing with ideas, thoughts and inspiration; my heart is singing; my feet are dancing; the world around me seems crazy and surreal... yet it's all making so much sense...

So, I'm back in the mountains after two amazing weeks working on the life between buildings projects as a Bundanon artist in residency. My commitment to blog daily while I was there was ruined by the internet collapsing in the last four days. Probably a good thing though. It made me realise just how bloody addicted I am to the damn internet... hhmmm...

Anyway, once I get back into the swing of life, catch up with the exciting chaos that I left behind and give myself time to reflect, I'll tell you all about it. Stay tuned!

In the meantime, pop on over to my flickr webpage to get a very small taste of some of the things I was up to while there.

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